Friday, October 14, 2005

Friend of Dorothy

The other day TK and I were watching TV and a commercial came on that confused TK. The commercial depicted Toys-R-Us employees talking in the aisles and mentioning this and that about Geoffrey, but never showing Geoffrey. TK asked me "Do you know Geoffrey?" I had to explain to him that Geoffrey is the giraffe mascot of Toys-R-Us. Somehow this bit of popular culture had escaped TK's radar screen. But it occurred to me that, along the lines of "Friend of Dorothy" in gay culture, "Do you know Geoffrey?" would be a good secret code for an underground railroad of pedophiles.
I'm fairly certain no N A M B L A members read this blog, so I think I'm safe in making this joke.
I put spaces between the letters of n a m b l a, so people won't come across that acronym as a keyword of this blog.
I hope that works.
Pedophiles revolt me. Really.
I guess this post is inappropriate.
Must I constantly censor myself?
This post may self-destruct at some point.

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