Sunday, July 22, 2007

Gay Angel Fight!

I've almost reached the end of the His Dark Materials trilogy. The Amber Spyglass alludes to some sexual stuff which is unusual in a kids' book. For instance, there are a couple of male angel characters that are super, super close and some weird garden of eden comparisons with the main characters. This trilogy has been quite a ride.

Leaving this veil of tears

Friday was my last day working in South L.A. You haven't lived until you've had a two and a half year old African American boy tell you, "Get out of my face, bitch."

Rod Steiger dancing

Mun Mun had always loved a scene from the movie, "The Chosen" in which Rod Steiger dances at a wedding to this awesom Klezmer music. I finally tracked down who performed this music and it is a band called Kapelye. If only my lame clarinet teacher had had me learn music like that, instead of boring classical etudes, I probably would have continued to play.