Sunday, July 22, 2007

Gay Angel Fight!

I've almost reached the end of the His Dark Materials trilogy. The Amber Spyglass alludes to some sexual stuff which is unusual in a kids' book. For instance, there are a couple of male angel characters that are super, super close and some weird garden of eden comparisons with the main characters. This trilogy has been quite a ride.


Safety Neal said...

Heh, what a title for a post!

Angel Chad said...

Director Statement

I knew a film maker who died very suddenly and I remember thinking: “What does a film maker leave behind?” This thought was the seed that sprouted my movie: Beatific Vision.

I found myself thinking of a secret film that a character would leave behind when he dies. Not one he wished not to be found but one he planned to be found. More than a final will and testament this film was a “Beatific Vision”, a view into the future of all characters and a clear mapping of the coincidences that would occur.

As I began to write the screenplay the voice of the Angel started to speak softly and occasionally. Upon many re-writes the Angel voice was vieing for main character status. I tried to reel in the angel but he (Angel Chad) wrestled control away from me.

When another close friend was passing to the other side, she added a strong dose of acceleration to the writing process. There now are so many Angels (most recently my Mother) involved, I feel I am at best the living hands to this project.

When I was a small boy my parents used to call me: Angel Michael when they wanted my behavior to change. I actually grew up thinking I was an angel including my sprouting scapula wings. Today, I do not think I am an angel but I surely believe that I am their vehicle for expression on earth.

The Effortless Perfectime I am increasingly experiencing is like a walk through strongly scented flowers and truly my very own Beatific Vision.

I am exhilarated by the process of releasing this movie out into the world very much like a soul crossing over into the next world.

Thank-you angels for this “angel on earth” experience!

