Saturday, February 07, 2009

No, my baby's feet are not fucking cold

Whenever I'm out with my infant daughter alone, I get criticism inevitably from total strangers about how she's dressed or covered up or not covered up. No one gives my husband shit about anything when he's out with the baby. Everyone is like, "How nice that he's giving the mother a break," not knowing he is the primary caregiver.

My daughter takes after her father and grandmother in that she does not like her feet covered up when she sleeps. She kicks off socks any chance she gets. But if you touch her feet on a chilly day, her feet are warm. So, when I take her out without socks, I wish all these busybodies would stop asking me if her feet are cold. Touch her feet! They are not fucking cold! Stop asking me if they are cold!


Anonymous said...


Mun Mun said...

Plus, it's, like, 72 degrees out, bitches!

Anonymous said...

you sound like a horrible, angry person who has a real problem with the world. Get a life and enjoy your daughter instead of bitching about strangers who couldn't give a fuck about your life.

Anonymous said...

my child is one year old and doeas not want his feet coverd, not even shoes.