Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Gift Shop

TK and I checked out the L.A. Cathedral on his birthday after going to see the Bob Baker Marionettes. I had been annoyed that they tore up a great parking structure adjacent to the Music Center to build the Cathedral, so I've avoided it. (You never can have too many parking lots in L.A.)

The outside of the Cathedral is modern and not super attractive. The inside design looks like it was designed by Starbucks, spacious with lots of light colored wood everywhere, not at all gothic. When we arrived there was a fellow giving an all day organ concert of the work of a certain composer. It literally sounded like someone making up notes as they went along.

The gift shop was fun. They sold lots of biblical action figures. I like this one of the resurrection scene (Jesus sold separately.) Though I'm not a Christian, I have to admit these Heroes of Faith toys look pretty fun.

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