After a frustrating purchase and return of an Apple networking device that didn't work with TK's computer, we finally set up a modem from SBC. Hurray! Finally we can use the internet at the same time. Secret Friend suggested that using wireless networks may mess up women's reproductivity somehow. I'll have to look into that. I wouldn't want to microwave my ovaries inadvertently.
Mun Mun went to a library conference over the weekend. While it was a positive experience, let's just say Mun Mun has had it up to here with craft ideas using egg cartons and kleenex boxes.
The most interesting presentation I saw at the conference was about the future of computer assisted language translation. The upshot was that programmers are starting to capture previous translations by humans. So, when a certain piece of text needs translating, the computer could find existing translations. A universal translator probably won't be available anytime this century though. At least we have Babel Fish.