Friday, November 25, 2005

My Holodeck Vacation / Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters

There's this neat new ride at Disneyland where you get to shoot at aliens as if you were playing a video game. I love this picture of me with JC in sniper mode. TK can't wait until they install a ride where you get to kill hippies.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Gift Shop

TK and I checked out the L.A. Cathedral on his birthday after going to see the Bob Baker Marionettes. I had been annoyed that they tore up a great parking structure adjacent to the Music Center to build the Cathedral, so I've avoided it. (You never can have too many parking lots in L.A.)

The outside of the Cathedral is modern and not super attractive. The inside design looks like it was designed by Starbucks, spacious with lots of light colored wood everywhere, not at all gothic. When we arrived there was a fellow giving an all day organ concert of the work of a certain composer. It literally sounded like someone making up notes as they went along.

The gift shop was fun. They sold lots of biblical action figures. I like this one of the resurrection scene (Jesus sold separately.) Though I'm not a Christian, I have to admit these Heroes of Faith toys look pretty fun.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Milo's credentials

Milo is already making friends on Catster. To my surprise, it turns out Milo is not a mutt cat, but actually fits into a breed. He appears to be a Norwegian Forest Cat. He is descended from Vikings. Who knew?

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Milo now online

Milo now has an account on Catster. Inkblot is thinking about joining.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Those wacky Danes

TK brought home a Danish movie called The Five Obstructions and we watched it. It's a documentary of sorts where this one filmmaker challenges another filmmaker to remake his short film in crazy ways. It's a riot...a quiet, cerebral riot.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Wireless at last, thank god I'm wireless at last

After a frustrating purchase and return of an Apple networking device that didn't work with TK's computer, we finally set up a modem from SBC. Hurray! Finally we can use the internet at the same time. Secret Friend suggested that using wireless networks may mess up women's reproductivity somehow. I'll have to look into that. I wouldn't want to microwave my ovaries inadvertently.

Mun Mun went to a library conference over the weekend. While it was a positive experience, let's just say Mun Mun has had it up to here with craft ideas using egg cartons and kleenex boxes.

The most interesting presentation I saw at the conference was about the future of computer assisted language translation. The upshot was that programmers are starting to capture previous translations by humans. So, when a certain piece of text needs translating, the computer could find existing translations. A universal translator probably won't be available anytime this century though. At least we have Babel Fish.