Sunday, June 19, 2005

Hippylocks and the one bear

Saturday afternoon, before graduation, I came home from TK's house to change my clothes. I had heard from my brother that there had been a big garage sale or something on our block (my brother lives on the same block). I walked up my steps and saw a hat, sunglasses, and water. Someone's been sitting on my porch, I thought to myself. Maybe some garage sale customer?

When I opened my front door there was a strange man staring back at me.

Me: Oh, jesus christ! (flying down the stairs)
Drunk Hippy: Where's Colleen?
Me: I don't know what you're talking about!
Drunk Hippy: I was suppose to meet Colleen here for a party. She's always doing this to me.
Me: No one named Colleeen lives here!

Supposedly the drunk hippy got my neighbor's apartment mixed up with mine. Don, the drunk hippy, had climbed in the kitchen window I left open for the cat to get out to wait for Colleen, my new-ish neighbor.(???!!!)

Me: Could you just leave now?

Nothing was stolen and they guy seemed harmless. Maybe he was a thief with a quick excuse. Or maybe he was a confused, drunk hippy. I still haven't talked to Colleen. (Nice friends you got there) It took me a long time to call 911. I've gotta work on my emergency responses and detective work. Poor Milo will be confined all summer because I'll never leave that window open again. Totally didn't connect the clue of the overturned watering can next to the open window with the other items on the porch.

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