Sunday, August 01, 2004

I had become a little obsessed with figuring out what a certain piece of cheesy yet oddly compelling music was. I first heard it when I was watching part of the bad John F. Kennedy Jr. story TV movie. Then, it was used in a PBS promo.I tried describing it to people, but no one could tell me what it was and I couldn't find any clues on the web. Last night it played at the end of the "Bourne Supremacy" and it turns out it's called "Extreme Ways" by Moby. What a relief.

One day the coat of Princess Meow-Meow is going to make a fine pair of mittens, especially if she keeps tearing up the carpet like she's been doing.

Here's a couple of ideas:

1)Hook all the fitness equipment in gyms across America up to power generators and let exercisers add to the power grid.

2)Scratch n' sniff Advent calendars.

I need to learn the die cutting business.

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