Tuesday, May 11, 2004

For some reason, whenever I try to retrieve the name Kermit Roosevelt from my memory banks (he was the CIA guy who organized a coup in Iran in 1953), it always comes to me as Felix Rockefeller.

To free associate further- when I was a kid, my father taught at UCLA. However, UCLA must not have been as well-funded back then because there was a piece of big graffiti in the parking lot 3 tunnel that said "Stinky Felix" and it only got painted over after standing about ten years. We always kind of liked Stinky Felix. If "Stinky Felix" ever reappears there, I might have had something to do with it...Only maybe it will say Stinky Felix Rockefeller.

Too much scary badness in the news lately. I will now retreat to my happy place.

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