Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Kittens. Kittens who need mittens...are the luckiest kittens in the world.

After this horrible flu, I'm finally up to blogging. I think I am de-toxing from years of the 'trieve (That is, I'm quitting my full time job at a company that became poisonous two or three years ago when it was sold piece by piece and management was taken over by weird, contaminated devil-robots).

I think I was also completely immobilized over the weekend because Gawd wanted me to watch the entire Jerry Lewis telethon. They've really gotta update the talent that performs on this thing. It's nice to see Don Rickles though. After all these years, he's finally funny to me. Jerry Lewis oughtta start grooming Jim Carrey or somebody to replace him. Not sure how much longer he's going to be around. There was one girl who was diagnosed with Friederich's Ataxia at around age ten (I'm very suspicious of this diagnosis because she was diagnosed in one day and I think genetic testing is required to make such a diagnosis.Maybe the facts weren't presented correctly) As this kid grew older, the ataxia miraculously disappeared and she's a totally healthy teenager now.The National ambassador for MDA was a delightful kid with mitochondrial myopathy named Mattie. What if aliens from inner space live in our mitochondria and are fucking things up with pollution like we are doing to the earth? The Whos down in Whoville need to get they ass kicked.

I also had a very exciting couple of days watching Crossing Over with John Edwards. Unless the people in the audience are total plants, I think this shit is for real.As you may be aware, Mun Mun herself has had visitations. I wonder if he can communicate with dead dinosaurs if he sits with a can of penzoil though. Or do you need to be a sentient being?

You know, no one ever talks about or gives the advice of "Slow and steady wins the race" nowadays, but I can tell you for a fact that a runaway tortoise can be a speedy, little bugger. They cover a lot more ground than you'd expect.

I need more cream of wheat. Fuck. I just realized I shoulda taken my antibiotics 3 hours ago. I blame you.

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