Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Breastfeeding blues / Weirdass shit

Not much time to blog with a newborn in the house. Today one of my breasts hurt a lot and I thought it was just engorged. Then, I read up on blocked milk ducts and mastitis and I think it was just a blocked milk duct. I put hot towels on it and actually felt something pop inside. It felt better afterwards.

I would like to blog about my labor and stuff, but don't know if I'll get to it. Maybe you readers are better off.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


The past eleven days have been challenging, but I'm so happy to have given birth to an adorable little girl and we are both doing well. The past few days have not been so kind to others I know. I just learned Richard Sandman, a friend of my sister's, passed away. So sad! He was very young.